The Progress and Business Foundation grew out of the recognition on the part of the industry and academia of the new needs and circumstances of the free market economy after the fall of the Soviet system in Poland. Founded in 1991, it has been registered in the same year in the Central Foundation Register No. 1536 at the Register Court in Warsaw. The Progress and Business Foundation is a registered EU consulting organisation No. POL 19104. Its supervising body is the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research, a ministry-equivalent governmental institution.
Resources at the FoundationĀ“s disposal:
- Extensive working relationships in specific industries, notably the energy, refining, petrochemical, chemical, electronics, packaging, furniture, clothing industries.
- Working relationships with government agencies at national, Voivodeship, and local government levels.
- Recognised position in the international network of development agencies
- Working relationships with various departments of Cracow universities (Jagiellonian University, AGH University of Science and Technology, the University of Agriculture, and the Cracow University of Economics) including involvement of key professionals in the FoundationĀ“s projects on a contract basis.
- Core professional staff with project management expertise and analytical skills relevant to economic restructuring in key industrial sectors.
Areas of expertise:
- Research support for industrial restructuring and privatisation based on application of system analysis and operational research methods
- Studies and analyses in the area of sustainable development of industrial sectors and enterprises including elaboration of business plans and master plans, feasibility and business opportunity studies, market analyses and forecasts
- Economic, technical and legal consulting including environmental issues
- Experience in initiating, designing and managing multidisciplinary projects combining international involvement with local expertise
- Initiating business links, marketing research, and promotion of information exchange between companies and scientific institutions
- Convening conferences, seminars, workshops and other partnership building activities designed to bring key persons and institutions together to identify problems and practical solutions in economic restructuring and sustainable development issues
The Progress and Business Foundation has been admitted to the group of institutional members of the European Alliance for Innovation
The Progress and Business Publishers listed as Level-I publisher according to the recent (Dec. 17, 2019) Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Learning