Progress and Business Foundation
Technology Transfer Centre
Educational Advising Centre
Centre for Decision Sciences and Forecasting


The methods of multicriterial selection and rankings construction taking into account regional objectives relating to the implementation of the National Cohesion Strategy

Implementation period: 2009

Research project No DKS/DEF-VIII/POPT/04/273/09 of the Polish Ministry of the Regional Development within the Technical Support Operational Programme (POPT) – ERDF funds for Poland.

Project aiming at developing the innovative methods of multicriterial analysis, rate and selection of directions of action, programmes and projects of regional policy. Afterwards they would be used to the prioritization of regional authorities’ fields of intervention. The developed methods should provide: a) the bigger objectivity of evaluation processes; b) the possibility of taking into consideration the territorial, social and sectorial criterions for effective fulfilling the policy of sustainable development; c) the proper usage of additional information about the preferences emerging from regional policy strategic documents.


The Progress and Business Foundation has been admitted to the group of institutional members of the European Alliance for Innovation
The Progress and Business Publishers listed as Level-I publisher according to the recent (Dec. 17, 2019) Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Learning
Chairman of the Foundation's Council, prof. Ignacy Kaliszewski is a member of the Scientific Committee of the "Portfolio theory and derivative pricing" conference, which will be held in Warsaw on March 27-29, 2019.
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