Scenarios and Development Trends of the Selected Information Society Technologies until 2025
The project’s actions were co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund in the Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013, measure 1.1 Support for scientific research for establishment of a knowledge-based economy, sub-measure 1.1.1 Research projects using the foresight method. The main idea and aim of this foresight research was to create a multioptional vision of the Information Society in Poland where particular options depend on various decision variables (e.g. policy decisions, competition decisions about starting or stopping production, etc.) and events of stochastic nature (for e.g. political conflicts, unexpected inventions etc.). The results of the project include reports, studies, publications in journals, a knowledge base containing data on IT, results of trend analyses and scenarios. An innovative internet platform was created where the results of the research are shared. The project implementation schedule involved scientific cooperation with foreign and state research institutions specializing in ICT forecast and foresight. The project involved collaboration and consultation with end users - enterprises (including SMEs), universities, research institutions, public administration, local and nationwide government offices engaged in ICT development policy.