Progress and Business Foundation
Technology Transfer Centre
Educational Advising Centre
Centre for Decision Sciences and Forecasting


The development of entrepreneurship abilities of young graduates seeking employment from Małopolska and an improvement of their chances on the labour market

Implementation period: 2004-2005

PHARE 2002 Programme, budget line: PL2002/000-580.06.01.03-02. The project aimed at the creation of innovative start-ups by young graduates (until 27 years) from the Małopolska Voivodship, observing the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS) goals. 216 candidates applied to take part in the project, while 115 graduates (44 males, 71 females) finished the project by completing and implementing an Individual Action Plan. 20 graduates who considered founding an own enterprise, have taken part in an incubating programme, which allowed the start-ups to function in form of profit centres at the P&B Incubator Ltd.

The project was carried out under the supervision of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Warsaw.

PBF was the only partner, the high-tech incubator P&B Incubator Ltd. and the District Labour Offices in Wieliczka, Miechów, Oświęcim, Brzesko, Olkusz and Kraków cooperated based on own funding.


The Progress and Business Foundation has been admitted to the group of institutional members of the European Alliance for Innovation
The Progress and Business Publishers listed as Level-I publisher according to the recent (Dec. 17, 2019) Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Learning
Chairman of the Foundation's Council, prof. Ignacy Kaliszewski is a member of the Scientific Committee of the "Portfolio theory and derivative pricing" conference, which will be held in Warsaw on March 27-29, 2019.
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